
Sad Article

Articles about Seasonal Affective Disorder

If you have SAD, the more information and understanding about your condition you have the better you are able to deal with it.

We are all unique. We suffer various symptoms in different degrees. We respond differently to the range of treatments and self-help options on offer. We may prefer one method of dealing with our own particular circumstances over another.

So read everything you can get hold of about your condition and learn about the different ways you can cope with the winter blues. Here we offer a collection of articles written by various authors about SAD which we think you’ll find informative.

If you would like to offer an article or even your own story about SAD to the site for others to read and benefit from, please contact us and you may see your article in print too.

Seasonal Affective Disorder Article: SAD Walk Away the Blues
Dull rainy days can make you depressed. SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, affects millions of people each year. But exercise can help you fight the “winter blues”.

Combatting Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Naturally
There are many ways to help the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder ( SAD ) without prescribed medication.

Are You Sad? Four Tools To Release The Winter Blues
SAD – Sometimes we just get through the winter oblivious to how poorly we are functioning and that we are depressed. Here are a four tools to help.

SAD : Let There be Light
Natural patterns of morning light exposure can positively affect depression including SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

Orange essential oil : aromatherapy for SAD
How aromatherapy can help with the symptoms of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Orange essential oil has some properties that can help chase away the winter blues.

SAD Article : How to Beat the Winter Blues
A typical symptom of SAD is that you crave sweet or starchy carbohydrates and junk food. Penny Williams describes the steps you can take to help beat Seasonal Affective disorder with diet.

SAD article: No more winters; I Found Palm Coast, Florida
Sometimes relocation is the answer for SAD sufferers – especially if there is another region that appeals to you and you don’t have too many ties in your current home area.

SAD Article : Daylight – You Need It (and It’s Free)
Whether we have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) or not we can’t do without natural daylight – it’s vital to our health and well-being.

SAD Article : Top Ten Ways to a More Positive Outlook on Winter
Many of us (even if we do not have Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD)) want to curl up and wait for spring as the days get shorter, but winter can be a positive time if you have the right attitude.

SAD Article : Twelve Winter Blah-Busters
Every lift in mood counts when it comes to dealing with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) although for those with the most distressing symptoms more help will be needed. Here are twelve ideas to chase away the winter blues.

How to Beat the Mid-Winter Blues When You’re Self-Employed
Having SAD means your energy supplies are at their lowest in winter – yet you need energy all year round to run your business. Read how one entrepreneur copes with seasonal affective disorder.

Light Up Your Life: Seasonal Affective Disorder
Tips for overcoming Seasonal affective disorder from psychotherapist Dave Turo-Shields

Source: http://www.allaboutsad.com/Articles_about_SAD.html

Sad Butterfly (T.T”)

Picture Source: http://www.desicomments.com/…/14277-Sad_butterfly.jpg

My Opinion of this Picture:

This picture is the picture of the sad butterfly. Sadness of this butterfly can describe our human sadness too. Our sadness can because of lost someone special and many others…

We must keep smiling everyday, cause with smile, we can make a joy in our life..


One my solution for you, don’t fall your tears, don’t allowed the sadness around you. Okay???

Written By: Marius

A mother in need of a kidney transplant was denied the organs of her dying daughter despite being a match, because her daughter had not given formal consent.

Laura Ashworth, 21, was unconscious for days after she suffered massive brain damage following a suspected asthma attack. Her mother, Rachel Leake, 39, who has kidney failure, was at her bedside when she died at Bradford Royal Infirmary.

But Ashworth’s kidneys were given to strangers despite her wish to help her mother.

Ashworth, the mother of a two-year-old girl, was on the NHS organ donor register and had told her mother she would help her if the time came, but this was never formally recorded.

“I am angry, really angry,” said Leake, from Bierley, West Yorkshire. “I am not finding comfort at the moment in the fact that she helped three people. All I wanted to do was carry out her wishes. She would have been so upset that she was able to help other people and not her own mum. Even the transplant coordinator was crying her eyes out, she really tried to get them to change their minds but her bosses would not budge.”

Leake, who is now looking after Ashworth’s two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Macie, is hoping for another match to appear on the transplant list. She has suffered from kidney failure for seven years after developing diabetes while pregnant with Ashworth and had a kidney transplant five years ago but that organ failed after four years, forcing her to undergo dialysis three times a week.

Ashworth was on the organ donor register but did not record her wish to become a living donor, meaning her kidneys could not be donated to her mother.

The Human Tissue Authority makes final decisions on organ donations. Adrian McNeil, chief executive of the HTA, said: “The central principle of matching and allocating organs from the deceased is that they are allocated to the person on the UK transplant waiting list who is most in need and who is the best match with the donor.”

Took From: Guardian.co.uk


A Sad Story

I am a single working mother and going to college for a better life for my three year child and myself. I am taking a course called “Urban Community.” We were asked to do a major project on problems in the Urban Communities. I choose the topic Homeless.”

Each day I would walk the streets of the homeless and offer them something to drink and to eat. I know its tough to survival on the streets. Last night I ran into a group of 30 kids who were living on the streets on NY. I spoke to a few of them. They were ages 13 to 16. My heart went out to them and I just wanted to cry. I had to be strong. One girl who is pregnant and her boyfriend was very supportive toward her but I had told all of them about the Convent House, that there is help out there.

I told her she needs the proper care for her child’s needs. She told me that she has been taken care of her child and that she will do the right thing. My heart was broken when I saw all these children on the streets of New York.

They told me they traveled all over the place as a group. Some of them said they hooker and panhandle and do odd jobs for people. None of them were high on drugs nor were they drinking. At least not this group. I asked about their families and if they contact them to let them know they were alive. Most of them said, “NO.’ They all look like a happy family and they took care of one another. I really tried to persuade them to get help and to contact their families but they did not want to. I did not want to push the issue.

All these kids were very respectful. Some of them enjoyed reading and writing. They said their education is important to them but they teach each other. Some of them enjoyed skate boarding, dancing and playing music.

One girl asked me if I could give her a hug and I did. She started to cry and said, “Thank you for not treating us as freaks like everyone else does. People don’t realize that we all have our own problems but some are worse then others.” She told me that her stepfather was sexually abusing her and her mother did not believe her. She ran away.” Her street name is little Mary.

They were good kids just trying to make ends meet. I told them that I don’t have much to offer because I am a single Mom just making ends met. I had offered them sandwiches and soda. They were so happy to have something to eat and told me that I can’t change the world but at least there is someone who really cares.

I cried and told them to be save and to please be careful because we all live in a dangerous world. They told me that they are moving to a new area and did not say where. God Bless these Children.

Took From: http://www.lovethingy.com


Life is like a drama. Do you know why??? Coz in this world, we will get some sweet and some bitter memory. Sweet??? Of course we like sweet memory,aren’t we? I think the most sweet memory is in the junior high school, coz we are getting mature at that time. Many things happen when that time.

But it can be the most bitter memory too. It may be coz broken heart, broken home, and many the others. Why we must feel that felling, feel sad felling??? Is The GOD allowed that happen to us? Yes, He allowed it. Why? Coz when we feel lonely, broken heart, we will remember to Him. We will know that He always besides us whenever and wherever. That is His soft warning to us.

GOD is too kind with us. So when you feel sad, lonely,or may be broken heart, just remember that our GOD, JESUS CHRIST is beside us. He can amuse us, He is very kind.

Written By: Marius-Shui

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